Monopoly is a short film about the privatisation of the biggest port of Greece, Piraeus. It is a search for information and connection, documenting talks with
locals, looking critically at news publications and taking part in a
dialogue with the locals to discuss their worries for their future.
The film ‘Monopoly’ follows the
privatisation of the biggest port in Greece, providing a
counter-narrative to the selective information supplied in existing news
coverage. More than 400,000 people who live and work in Piraeus are directly or
indirectly affected, but sufficient data has not been published to
inform the community about changes in work relations, or the health
risks expansion plans might impose. Free, open-air screenings of the film are staged in public space in an
attempt to involve locals and connect potential collaborators who can
document the labour and citizen movements, and simultaneously build
trust between the designer and the population.